
5 2023


6:00PM - 9:00PM  

$ Cost $ 0.00

Sukkahfest Ottawa: Celebrate the Harvest Festival Outdoors

Join us for a kosher dinner, bonfire, and eco-workshops with Chava-Minna Feibusch & Genvironment! Hosted at Keva Farm, in Winchester Springs. $18/individual, $54/family

This Sukkot, take a moment to reconnect with nature as we gather as a community to celebrate this ancient Jewish harvest festival outdoors under a blanket of stars.

Each evening we will offer a catered kosher meal in the Sukkah, an interactive workshop focused on food cycles through a Jewish lens, and a celebration of music and singing under the stars.

Sukkahfest is fully outdoors, in an off-grid, natural setting - much like camping, in Winchester Springs (south east of Ottawa - directions sent once registration & payment have been received).

Warm outdoor clothing and boots are recommended. Please bring a camping chair, and blanket/sleeping bag to stay cozy by the fire.

All are welcome. Registration required.
Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18SRmepmFDLSeyh8xAtc74qEE3eCFMvYRFL2kHpcfjWw/edit