
24 2023

Kol Miriam Women's Choir - two free open house rehearsals

7:30PM - 8:45PM  

Congregation Beit Tikvah of Ottawa
Please note there are two events: Tuesday October 17 AND Tuesday October 24, same location, same time. I wasn'thether 2 separate submissions are needed. Thanks. 15 Chartwell Ave.
Nepean, ON K2G 4K3
613 723 1800 shul@cbto.ca

Contact Katherine Moss
613 276 6289

Sing together in challenging times with Kol Miriam Women's Choir.
We sing to connect with ourselves, with each other, with our world, and with Hashem; to reduce stress in our bodies; to breathe deeply to find moments of mindfulness.

We sing to create a powerful positive environment; to bring light into the world.

With musical director Leslie Bricker and accompanist Aviva Lightstone.

Fee $250 for the year includes 27 rehearsals, 2 performances. Financial accommodations available.

We perform for women only. All skill levels welcome.

RSVP appreciated: kolmiriamchoir@gmail.com or call 613 276 6289.