For Hillel Lodge, your donation means that 121 seniors can receive Kosher meals and specialized Judaic programming. Strategic funding helped support additional programming for enrich their golden years.


For Jewish Family Services, your donation means that families and individuals in need can receive emergency financial assistance, counselling, and help with food security. 


For Tamir, your donation means that people with developmental disabilities can realize their potential and live their lives to the fullest in a supportive Jewish environment. Strategic funding provided consultancy for their strategic plan, professional development, and training for their board and the community as well as support for inclusivity projects like Jewish Disability and Inclusion Month and the creation of a new inclusive siddur. 



Federation is dedicated to supporting our most vulnerable to ensure everyone has access to meaningful Jewish experiences.

To support this, Federation distributed $921,961 last year to care for the most vulnerable members of our community. Federation ensures organizations like Jewish Family Services, Tamir, The Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge and the Ottawa Kosher Food Bank, meet the needs of their most vulnerable participants.


With your ongoing support Federation is continuing to strengthen our Jewish social safety net through allocations to our social service agencies and special programs.


In addition to the regular allocations, Federation continues to provide a robust stream of Community Impact Grants, Microgrants, Innovative Capacity Building Grants, and other sources of support to local Jewish organizations.


While the global pandemic has subsided, needs for emergency funding continue in our community. The Federation continues to provide support, when warranted, to mitigate the ongoing impact of the pandemic on the community’s most vulnerable population. This includes addressing the rise in food insecurity within our community.


A gift to the Annual Campaign provides compassionate care for our most vulnerable through our social service agencies like Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge, Jewish Family Services, Tamir, and programs like AJA 50+ Creative Connections, Camp B’nai Brith’s scholarships for campers, and Jewish Youth Library’s Friendship Circle and more.