
23 2016

Chanah's Voice; Exploring Women's Rituals, A Women's Book Club

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

The Glebe Minyan
The event takes place November 9, 16, 23, and 30. 1 - 64 Powell Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S2A1

Contact Anna Maranta

Over a 4-week series, we will read and discuss the text, "Chanah's Voice," by Rabbi Haviva Ner-David, author of "Life on the Fringes."
In this spiritual memoir, Haviva explores the meaning of the three ritual commandments given to women - Challah, the taking of an offering from the baking dough; Niddah, separation during menstruation followed by immersion; and Hadlakat haNer, lighting the Shabbat candles.

For those who are interested, additional sessions will be scheduled: challah baking; a visit to the mikveh; and making beeswax candles.

Text: Chanah's Voice, A rabbi wrestles with gender, commandment, and the women's rituals of baking, bathing, and brightening. Haviva Ner-David - available from Amazon: